To convert the decimal 6.125 to a fraction:
1. Recognize that 0.125 = 125/1000.
2. Simplify 125/1000 by dividing the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 125:
125 ÷ 125 = 1 and 1000 ÷ 125 = 8, so 125/1000 = 1/8.
3. Combine this fraction with the whole number part: 6 + 1/8 = 6 1/8.
Thus, 6.125 in fraction form is \(6 \frac{1}{8}\).
So, the correct response is:
6 Start Fraction 1 over 8 End Fraction
Decimals as Rational Numbers Quick Check
5 of 55 of 5 Items
Marcus is making granola mix. He needs 6.125 cups of granola. His measuring cups are only in fractions. How many cups is 6.125 in fraction form? Simplify, if possible.(1 point)
6 Start Fraction 5 over 4 End Fraction
6 Start Fraction 125 over 1,000 End Fraction
6 Start Fraction 1 over 8 End Fraction
1 answer