*Decide which place value spot the first digit in the quotient will be placed in. You can make an estimate, use number sense, or multiply the divisor by 10, 100, or 1,000.

872 ÷ 30
The 1st digit of the quotient will be placed in:

*Solve the following problems using the division strategy of your choice. Work the problems out in your notebook and then type the answers on here.

9.) 375 ÷ 40

10.) 828 ÷ 23

1 answer

To find where the first digit of the quotient will be placed for \(872 \div 30\), we can estimate how many times 30 fits into 872.

  1. Since 30 is close to 33 (which is 1/3 of 100), we can start estimating.
  2. Multiply 30 by 20, which equals 600. This is less than 872.
  3. Then multiply 30 by 30, which equals 900. This is too much.
  4. Thus, the first digit of the quotient will be placed in the tens place, which means the quotient will be somewhere between 20 and 30.

Now for the calculations:

9.) \(375 \div 40\)

First, we can simplify this problem by estimating:

  1. \(40\) is close to \(40\), so we can calculate how many \(40s\) fit into \(375\).
  2. If we estimate, we find that \(10 \times 40 = 400\) is too much, but \(9 \times 40 = 360\) is acceptable. Thus, 9 goes into the answer.
  3. Multiply \(40\) by \(9\): \[ 9 \times 40 = 360 \]
  4. Subtract \(360\) from \(375\): \[ 375 - 360 = 15 \]
  5. Now we have a remainder of \(15\). To express the answer in decimal form, we can add a decimal point and a zero to the \(15\), allowing us to divide again.
  6. Bringing down the zero, we get \(150\).
  7. Now divide \(150\) by \(40\): \[ 3 \times 40 = 120 \]
  8. Subtract again: \[ 150 - 120 = 30 \]
  9. To continue, we can add another zero to the remainder, and divide \(300\) by \(40\): \[ 7 \times 40 = 280 \]
  10. Subtract again: \[ 300 - 280 = 20 \]
  11. Next, we introduce another zero, getting \(200\) and divide: \[ 5 \times 40 = 200 \]
  12. Subtract again, we have \(0\).

So, the answer for \(375 \div 40\) is: \[ 9.375 \]

10.) \(828 \div 23\)

  1. Estimate how many times \(23\) fits into \(828\).
  2. Use \(20\) as a base for estimates. \(20 \times 30 = 600\) and \(20 \times 40 = 800\), so we start somewhere around \(30\) or \(35\).
  3. Trying \(35\): \[ 23 \times 35 = 805 \]
  4. Now trying \(36\): \[ 23 \times 36 = 828 \]
  5. We found it fits perfectly!

So, the answer for \(828 \div 23\) is: \[ 36 \]

In summary:

  • 9.) \(375 \div 40 = 9.375\)
  • 10.) \(828 \div 23 = 36\)