1. Yes, they all mean the same thing.
2, Since "sometimes" is more often than "occasionally," "sometimes" is better in this sentence. You can either but it before "attend" or after "classes," but not both places.
3. This would be used if you were referring to a specific class.
4. "Lessons" could be used here, but in the U.S., "classes" is more commonly used.
You're welcome.
Dear Ms.Sue, thank you for your answers. May I ask you a few more questions?
1) I just want to make sure I understand it correctly. Does "Where are you hurting" mean the same as "Where do you hurt" the same as "Where does it hurt"?
2) Help me, please, with "sometimes/occasionally" in the sentence "It wouldn't hurt you to (sometimes) attend classes (sometimes)"
3) Maybe, it's "attend the classes".
4) Is it possible to use "lessons" here?
Thank you a lot!
1 answer