dear customers of this site,
i don't think it's fair for everyone to come here for answers and harass the people who are actually trying to help you learn. they actually give you an answer to all your questions, but you all just don't seem to see what answers they are talking about. in actual life, you don't actually get your answers served to you just like that. i hate how you treat these smart, intelligent people and even though i am only 13, i still won't stand for it. shame on you all for disrespecting them.
and to all the people who try to help these disrespectful children of today, thank you. you are very good people who don't deserve this. so ignore all those mean, aggressive words they try to speak about you and at least know that there is someone out there who actually cares about what you do for us!
love, bondy fazbear
P.S. and yes that is my real name, i don't know why scott used our last name for his stupid video game!
2 answers