DDT, a synthetic insecticide introduced into the ecosystem, primarily affected the food chain by initially targeting insects, which are the primary consumers or producers in many ecosystems. As these insects absorbed DDT, the chemical concentrated in their bodies. When secondary consumers, such as small mammals or fish, fed on these contaminated insects, they accumulated higher levels of DDT through a process known as biomagnification. Eventually, when bald eagles, as tertiary consumers, consumed these contaminated secondary consumers, they ingested enough DDT for it to adversely affect their reproductive health, leading to egg shell thinning.
DDT was developed as a synthetic insecticide. It was used to kill insects across the United States. In 1972, DDT was banned for use in the United States because it was found to cause egg shell thinning in bald eagle. In 3-5 sentences explain how introducing DDT into an ecosystem allowed it to make its way into the bodies of bald eagle. Be sure to use the terms food chain, producers, biomagnification, secondary consumers, and tertiary consumers in your answer.(4 points)
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