Daybreak in Alabama

The Planet on the Table

What tone is used by each poet in these poemes--detached, cynical, philosophical, playful, solemn, ironic, or passionate? What language in the poems helps you determine the author's tone? Write 2 paragraphs in which you answer these questions for each poem.(make sure your answer refers to both poems) Use atleast 2 examples from the poems to support your ideas.

please help me with this question..can you tell me the definition and examples of those tones, so then i can figure out which ones were used in these poems


3 answers

Tone is simply how we describe the author's or poet's attitude toward his subject. It usually permeates the work, but in longer works, it can change.

You chose D for the answer below (for "Daybreak...") -- that's a positive and hopeful attitude, right. Which words in the poem made you come to that conclusion?

Use the same processes for determining the tone for the other poem.
so for Daybreak in Alabama which of the above tones could i say:passionate?

that is the closest to hopeful right?
It could be. Or it could be playful, too. I think some of it depends on how each reader interprets the poem.