Date: Simulating Plate Motion How do rock formations move between the surface and Earth’s interior? You will use the Rock Transformations Sim to observe how rock formations move, or if you cannot use the Sim, watch a video of someone completing the investigation. Using the Sim? Follow the instructions for the Sim investigation below. Not using the Sim? Watch the video of someone completing the steps of the Sim investigation at

and record your observations. Sim Investigation Instructions: 1. Open the Process Mode of the Rock Transformations Simulation. 2. Form sedimentary rock (using any of the methods you have figured out). 3. Form igneous rock (using any of the methods you have figured out). 4. Press MOVE PLATES. 5. If needed, press UNDO in the top right corner. You can then press MOVE PLATES again and make additional observations. 6. Record your observations. Please use complete sentences.You must have at least 3 sentences to receive full credit. - DO NOT copy and paste. USE YOUR OWN WORDS! I will give you a zero and catch you for plagiarizing. Question: What happened to the igneous and sedimentary rock formations during plate motion? Record your observations. Type Here Please use complete sentences.You must have at least 2 sentences to receive full credit. - DO NOT copy and paste. USE YOUR OWN WORDS! I will give you a zero and catch you for plagiarizing. Question: What did you learn or find interesting from the reading passage today? Type Here

answer like a 12 year old would with 7 words per sentence

1 answer

During the simulation, the rocks moved around. The sedimentary rock got pushed closer to the surface. The igneous rock was buried deeper underground.

I learned how plates affect rock movement. It was interesting to see rocks change forms. The different types of rocks can move drastically.