Dalton theorized that matter is made of tiny, indivisible
particles called atoms. In what way did the theories of each
of these scientists support or differ from Dalton’s theory? K/U
(a) J. J. Thomson
(b) Ernest Rutherford
(c) James Chadwick
5 answers
Ignore the K/U
Dalton thought atoms to be indivisible. JJ Thomson discovered electrons as a part of atoms and used the plum pudding model for the pieces of an atom.
Rutherford was responsible for showing that the mass of an atom was concentrated in a very small center and the rest of the atoms was mostly space.
Chadwick discovered the neutron, another "piece" of an atom.
Rutherford was responsible for showing that the mass of an atom was concentrated in a very small center and the rest of the atoms was mostly space.
Chadwick discovered the neutron, another "piece" of an atom.
how did rutherford and chadwick support or differ dalton's theory.. Sorry I didn't catch this information?
Do you not get the disconnection between "indivisible" by Dalton and "pieces" by the neutron and electrons. Read about the plum pudding by Thomson. Do you understand what Rutherford showed with his alpha particle bombardment experiment?
J. J. Thompson