breaks this up into time slots, first to last. Then plot it on a graph velocity vs time.
Acceleration is the slope of the graph.
how far: distance is the area under the velocity/time graph. You can estimate that on the graph.
Dahnay Travels On A Bus To School.He Gets On The Onthe Bus Which Then Accelerates From Rest To 18m/s In 20secnds.The Bus Travelr At This Velocity For 60seconds.Tge Bus Slows Down And Comesto Rest In 15seconds.Itis Stationary For 30seconds While People Get Onthe Bus.The Bus Then Acceleratestoa Velocity Of 20m/s In 25seconds.It Travels At 20m/s For 5minutes And Then Slows Down To Come To Rest In A Further 20second,where Dahnay Gets Off The Bus. A/draw Velocity-time Graph? B/between Which Time Is The Acceleration Ofthe Bus The Greatest? C/how Far Does Dahnay Travel Onthe Bus?
9 answers
i donot know
a, graph b, betwwen 0s to 20 s c, total distance 7.845km