Détente refers to a period of improved relations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, reducing Cold War tensions. It impacted détente policy by fostering dialogue and cooperation.

SALT I and II:

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) I and II were agreements between the U.S. and the Soviet Union to limit nuclear weapons. They significantly influenced détente by promoting arms control and easing Cold War tensions.
Nixon’s Visit to China:

Nixon's historic visit to China in 1972 thawed Cold War relations, shifting global dynamics. It impacted détente by creating a triangular balance and fostering cooperation between the U.S., China, and the Soviet Union.
Helsinki Accords:

The Helsinki Accords were agreements signed in 1975, promoting human rights and cooperation among European nations. They played a role in détente by addressing political and humanitarian concerns, contributing to improved relations.

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1 answer

Détente is when the U.S. and the Soviet Union became friendlier and reduced tensions during the Cold War. Things like the SALT I and II agreements, where they limited nuclear weapons, helped make détente happen. Also, when President Nixon visited China in 1972, it made the Cold War less intense. The Helsinki Accords in 1975, which focused on human rights and cooperation in Europe, also played a part in making détente better.