D. She considers it part of her heritage.

14. What pronoun would be used for the narrator(s) of a story such as “A Rose for Emily,”
which is written in the first-person, plural point of view?
A. I C. We
B. You D. He
15. In the dramatic point of view, the author
A. writes in the first person.
B. records but can’t interpret what he or she records.
C. speaks through only one character.
D. uses stream of consciousness.
16. The plot of a commercial work of fiction is typically
A. ambiguous.
B. tragic.
C. fast-paced and entertaining.
D. designed to make readers think.
17. As Rainsford is swimming toward Ship-Trap Island in “The Most Dangerous Game,” he
hears a scream, which foretells events to come. What is the scream?
A. The general when he loses his dog Lazarus
B. A jaguar being killed
C. A man killing a dog
D. A man being killed by General Zaroff
18. Which of these stories uses the dramatic point of view?
A. “Hunters in the Snow” C. “Bartleby the Scrivener”
B. “The Most Dangerous Game” D. “A Rose for Emily”
19. In the story “Interpreter of Maladies,” why did Mr. Kapasi begin to work as an
interpreter in the doctor’s office?
A. He wished to console his wife.
B. He enjoyed meeting new people.
C. His work at the grammar school wasn’t satisfying.
D. He was saving money to become a diplomat.
20. Suspense is provided in “The Most Dangerous Game” by
A. Zaroff’s recognizing Rainsford’s name from his book on snow leopards in Tibet.
B. Zaroff’s background in Russia.
C. Whitney’s talk of the reputation of Ship-Trap Island.
D. the sound of the sea breaking on the rocky shore.
21. In the story “Roman Fever,” why does Mrs. Slade send Mrs. Ansley a forged letter?
A. To test if Mrs. Ansely loves Delphin
B. To test her fiancé
C. To get Mrs. Ansley out of the way for a while
D. To kill Mrs. Ansley
22. In Faulkner’s story “A Rose for Emily,” what happens to Homer Barron?
A. Emily poisons him. C. He deserts her.
B. He dies of natural causes. D. He marries her secretly.
23. Who is the speaker in the short story “Everyday Use”?
A. Mama C. Dee
B. Maggie D. A disinterested person
24. In “Everyday Use,” why doesn’t Dee want the quilts her mother offers her?
A. They’re machine stitched.
B. They belong to her sister.
C. She thinks her mother is offering them only because Maggie doesn’t want them.
D. They incorporate pieces of clothing pieces that belonged to her grandmother.
25. Melville’s “Bartleby the Scrivener” is written from a/an _______ point of view.
A. first-person C. limited third-person
B. omniscient D. objective

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