Teachers use databases to enter their grades.
Grades are posted on the school's website.
Many schools supply students with laptop computers.
Currently, U.S. schools use technology significantly more than they did in the past. Research the use of technology in schools from 1980 until present day. Fill in the timeline below with events to depict the changes in school technology since 1980. You need to discuss a minimum of two events per decade, for a total of at least six events.
I need two events from 2000-present.
can you help me find from 2000- present?
i have to site my sources.
5 answers
In 2000 the U.S. Congress passed the Children’s Internet
Protection Act, which requires that all schools
and libraries that receive federal funds for Internet
connection install ography filters in their systems
Protection Act, which requires that all schools
and libraries that receive federal funds for Internet
connection install ography filters in their systems
Yes, that is correct.
what can i say for a seond one that happened in 2000-present?