CRT-205 Week 5 Fallacy Matrix Categorizing Fallacies • Categorize each fallacy statement by copying fallacy type from the list below into the Fallacy Type text box adjacent the fallacy statement. • Provide an explanation as to why you think it is that fallacy type in the Why it is this fallacy type text box adjacent the fallacy statement. • Provide a page reference from your text that describes the fallacy type in the Resource that describes this fallacy type text box adjacent the fallacy statement. • Post your completed matrix to your Individual Forum as an attachment. Fallacy Types Ad hominem Group Think Guilt Trip Hasty Generalization Poisoning the well Post hoc Red Herring Scare Tactics Strawman Wishful Thinking Fallacy Statement What, Why, Where The President’s agenda has been derailed by out of touch right-wing extremist lies spread by cable media and talk radio. Fallacy Type: Why it is this fallacy type: Resource that describes this fallacy type: From a politician asked by reporter about an alleged ethics violation: “I am not here to discus accusations based on the politics of personal destruction. What the American people want to hear about is how we are going to create job’s. Fallacy Type: Why it is this fallacy type: Resource that describes this fallacy type: I don’t care if he has a PhD from Harvard! He’s a Mormon for heaven’s sake! How can anyone with such extremist views be considered credible? Fallacy Type: Why it is this fallacy type: Resource that describes this fallacy type: The reason the auto industry is such a mess is the outrageous union contracts that the automakers are burdened with. Fallacy Type: Why it is this fallacy type: Resource that describes this fallacy type: Sure, I’ve heard that you need 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. That is why I eat pizza every night. There are lots of vegetables on a supreme pizza! Fallacy Type: Why it is this fallacy type: Resource that describes this fallacy type: You’re saying that I’m working double shifts and spending my retirement nest egg to put you through college just so that you can learn some liberal nonsense! Why aren’t you majoring in something that will help you get a real job! Fallacy Type: Why it is this fallacy type: Resource that describes this fallacy type: You’re going out with Lisa? I’ll admit she’s hot, but I hear she is a real head case. I’d be careful if I were you. Fallacy Type: Why it is this fallacy type: Resource that describes this fallacy type: I can’t believe that a member of our party would vote for this bill. Doesn’t he support the values that our party stands for? Fallacy Type: Why it is this fallacy type: Resource that describes this fallacy type: On a television commercial: Actor: “Help I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” Narrator: “What if you are in this situation and you can’t reach the phone ?” Fallacy Type: Why it is this fallacy type: Resource that describes this fallacy type: Oh man he graduated from Berkley! I had a professor from Berkley last year and he was a real wack job! If I were you I would drop that class. Fallacy Type: Why it is this fallacy type: Resource that describes this fallacy type
3 answers
Read all about fallacies. Then do your assignment. If you want someone to look over whatever you write up, feel free to repost.