Critically discuss six ways in which xenophobia impacts on individuals and groups

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six ways critically ways in which xenophobia impacts on individuals?
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1. Having a xenophobic attitude about immigrants into your community might deter the immigrants which in turn would stop the influx of crime that tends to come when there is a mass immigration.

2. The xenophobia impacts on the community is a very bad sign that the community is disintegrating from within and if not controlled will result in world isolation and neglect of its own development and cultural improvements.
3. In some countries, most businesses thrive off important and exporting goods to other countries. With Xenophobia, these businesses will crumble because if people are Xenophobic, the goods of the company will not want to be brought in, thus resulting in low income, and inevitably affecting the families of workers in the company.
4. Foreigners have the ability to greatly impact a country’s economy by bringing their own goods and services. When they are denied access to the country, the goods and services will no longer be available to the community. Their goods and services could benefit poorer communities and help them, without the help many people will go hungry or be in financial trouble.
5. The micro economy of some parts badly affected by the xenophobia will definitely experience high prices on basic goods, due to the obliteration of elements of competition in those areas. People are unable to afford these prices and if they cannot afford them, businesses won’t sell much, thus plummeting the income of companies who will have to shut down, thus resulting in high rate of unemployment. Families will go hungry and lose their homes because of no financial income.
6. Xenophobic attacks puts tourism is a difficult trading environment as it scares tourist away. As tourism aids in building nation\'s image, this is damaged easily by xenophobic attacks, and also international relation is impeded. Xenophobia destroys the nation\'s economy structure that tourism might have built, reduces socio-economic benefits accrued to community residents through tourism enterprises