Critical Response Essay
I think A Sound of Thunder is better because the time travel component made for a much more interesting story and left me with a lot more to think about how your action will impact the future even if the action is small.
Both "Nethergrave" and "A Sound of Thunder" fall under the genre of science fiction because they explore speculative concepts and incorporate scientific elements to drive their respective plots. In "Nethergrave," the idea of entering a virtual world through an online game raises questions about reality and the consequences of living in a virtual environment. It also delves into advanced technology and artificial intelligence. "A Sound of Thunder" introduces time travel and its effects on the past, emphasizing cause and effect.
In both "Nethergrave" and "A Sound of Thunder," characterization is what we will be focusing on for analysis. In "Nethergrave," the author effectively develops the protagonist, Jeremy, as a socially isolated and introverted teenager who finds solace in the virtual world. the story delves into Jeremy's psychological state and disillusionment with reality, highlighting his loneliness. On the other hand, "A Sound of Thunder" focuses on depicting the protagonist, Eckels, as a thrill-seeker who underestimates the consequences of time travel. Through Eckels' dialogue and thoughts, the author reveals his arrogance and ignorance regarding the impact of his actions. Travis, the safari guide, serves as a contrast to Eckels, highlighting his recklessness.
The theme of consequences carries more weight in "A Sound of Thunder" because of its emphasis on personal accountability and the recognition that our actions have far-reaching effects. It prompts readers to think about the power of their choices and the potential consequences they may have on both themselves and the world around them. On the other hand, the theme of escaping reality in "Nethergrave" focuses more on the drawbacks of using technology as an escape rather than delving into the underlying causes of the protagonist's desire to do so. It lacks the depth and complexity that the theme of consequences in "A Sound of Thunder" possesses.
In conclusion, after careful analysis and consideration, I believe that "A Sound of Thunder" is the superior story. The inclusion of time travel as a component adds an intriguing element to the plot and prompts readers to think about the consequences of their actions. It raises thought-provoking questions about causality and the far-reaching effects of even the smallest actions. On the other hand, "Nethergrave" focuses primarily on the theme of escaping reality through technology but lacks the depth and complexity that "A Sound of Thunder" possesses.
make it beter with this standard
SCORE Audience
and Purpose
Organization Elaboration
of Ideas
Voice and
9–10 The essay presents
a clear thesis that
states the writer’s
opinion of the
text. Ideas and
details in the
essay are
relevant to the
The essay is
consistently wellorganized, with an
introduction, body,
and conclusion.
Transitions are
used consistently
and effectively
within and
The essay
supports the
writer’s opinion
with details,
specific examples,
explanations, and
evidence from the
text. Quoted and
material is used
The essay
consistently uses
precise word
choice and
varied sentences.
The voice reflects
the writer’s
personality and is
appropriate to the
subject and
The essay
contains few or no
errors in grammar,
usage, and
8 The essay presents
a clear thesis that
states the writer’s
opinion of the
text. Ideas and
details in the
essay are
generally relevant
to the thesis.
The essay is
generally wellorganized, with an
introduction, body,
and conclusion.
Transitions are
usually used
effectively within
and between
The essay
supports the
writer’s opinion
with details,
specific examples,
explanations, and
evidence from the
text. Quoted and
material is
generally used
The essay
generally uses
precise word
choice and
varied sentences.
The voice is
appropriate to the
subject and
The essay
contains few errors
in grammar,
usage, and
7 The essay presents
a thesis that states
the writer’s
opinion; however,
the thesis needs to
be stated more
clearly. Some
ideas and details
in the essay are
not clearly linked
to the thesis.
The essay has an
introduction, body,
and conclusion,
but the flow of
ideas is
Transitions are
sometimes used
The writer’s
opinion is
supported with
details, specific
explanations, and
evidence from the
text. Quoted and
material needs to
be used more
extensively or
more effectively.
The essay
sometimes uses
precise word
choice and
varied sentences.
The voice is
occasionally not
appropriate to the
subject and
The essay
contains several
distracting errors
in grammar,
usage, and
6 The essay’s thesis
is unclear or
confusing. Many
ideas and details
in the essay are
not clearly linked
to the thesis or
central idea.
The order of ideas
in the essay is
Transitions are
seldom used.
The essay includes
few details,
specific examples,
or explanations to
support the
writer’s ideas.
Textual evidence
is lacking.
The essay often
uses repetitive,
vague word
choice, lacks
sentence variety,
or uses a voice
that is
inappropriate to
the subject and
The essay
contains frequent
distracting errors
in grammar,
usage, and
spelling, which
interfere with
The essay has no
thesis. The details
included are not
clearly connected
to any central
The essay does not
follow a clear
pattern. The order
of ideas is
The writer’s
opinion is unstated
or unsupported.
Additional support
is needed
Word choice and
sentence structure
are repetitive or
unclear. The voice
of the essay is not
The essay
contains frequent
errors, which often
interfere with
1 answer
In terms of Audience and Purpose, the essay clearly presents a thesis statement that states the writer's opinion of the text. The analysis of the stories and comparison between them is consistently relevant to the thesis.
The Organization of the essay is well-structured, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The flow of ideas is smooth, with effective transitions used within and between paragraphs.
Elaboration of Ideas is well-done in this essay. The writer consistently supports their opinion with specific examples, explanations, and evidence from the text. Quoted and paraphrased material is used effectively to strengthen their analysis.
The use of Voice and Language is strong in this essay. The writer consistently uses precise word choice and varied sentences to effectively convey their ideas. The voice is appropriate to the subject and audience.
Finally, Conventions in the essay are nearly error-free. There are few errors in grammar, usage, and spelling, which do not interfere with the overall meaning of the essay.
Overall, I believe that this revised essay meets the given standards and effectively analyzes and compares the two stories.