Criteria (Weight) Excelle nt (11) Excelle nt (10) Excelle nt (9) Good (8) Good (7) Good (6) Fair (5) Fair (4) Fair (3) Poor (2) Poor (1) Points Awarded Physical Activity (× 5) The student submitt ed eleven weeks' worth of physical activity. The student submitt ed ten weeks' worth of physical activity. The student submitt ed nine weeks' worth of physical activity. The stujavascript:void(0);dent submitt ed eight weeks' worth of physical activity. The student submitt ed seven weeks' worth of physical activity. The student submitt ed six weeks' worth of physical activity. The student submitt ed five weeks' worth of physical activity. The student submitt ed four weeks' worth of physical activity. The student submitt ed three weeks' worth of physical activity. The student submitt ed two weeks' worth of physical activity. The student submitt ed one weeks' worth of
1 answer
Physical Fitness (× 4) The student demonstrated excellent physical fitness in all recorded activities. The student demonstrated excellent physical fitness in most recorded activities. The student demonstrated excellent physical fitness in some recorded activities. The student demonstrated good physical fitness in most recorded activities. The student demonstrated good physical fitness in some recorded activities. The student demonstrated fair physical fitness in most recorded activities. The student demonstrated fair physical fitness in some recorded activities. The student demonstrated poor physical fitness in most recorded activities. The student demonstrated poor physical fitness in some recorded activities. The student did not demonstrate any physical fitness in the recorded activities. 10
Attendance (× 3) The student attended all physical activity sessions. The student attended most physical activity sessions. The student attended some physical activity sessions. The student attended a few physical activity sessions. The student attended a couple of physical activity sessions. The student attended one physical activity session. The student attended very few physical activity sessions. The student attended very few physical activity sessions. The student missed most physical activity sessions. The student missed all physical activity sessions. 9
Participation (× 3) The student actively participated in all physical activity sessions. The student actively participated in most physical activity sessions. The student actively participated in some physical activity sessions. The student occasionally participated in physical activity sessions. The student rarely participated in physical activity sessions. The student rarely participated in physical activity sessions. The student did not participate in physical activity sessions. The student did not participate in physical activity sessions. The student did not participate in physical activity sessions. The student did not participate in physical activity sessions. 9
Effort (× 2) The student consistently showed excellent effort in all physical activity sessions. The student showed excellent effort in most physical activity sessions. The student showed excellent effort in some physical activity sessions. The student showed good effort in most physical activity sessions. The student showed good effort in some physical activity sessions. The student showed fair effort in most physical activity sessions. The student showed fair effort in some physical activity sessions. The student showed poor effort in most physical activity sessions. The student showed poor effort in some physical activity sessions. The student did not show any effort in the physical activity sessions. 8
Total Points: 9 * 11 + 10 * 4 + 9 * 3 + 9 * 3 + 8 * 2 = 198