Cristiano Mendoza
Your power point was very well done. It looks great visually. It explains the pros and cons well. My question for you though is: What is your opinion on vertical cities? Are you for or against them and why? I am against vertical cities. One reason is because I love nature, and I think I would become depressed and maybe claustrophobic being stuck inside a huge building.
Could you reply to this in favor of vertical citys and remind her that with the extra room from building up we have more room for nature walks and sports parks right outside of a vertical city
1 answer
Thank you for your feedback on my presentation. I can understand your concerns about feeling closed in, but I believe that vertical cities can actually provide more opportunities for incorporating nature into our urban environment. With the extra room from building up instead of out, we have the potential to create more green spaces, rooftop gardens, and even outdoor sports parks right outside of a vertical city. This can help promote a healthier and more balanced lifestyle for residents while also reducing the carbon footprint of the city. So, while there may be challenges with vertical cities, I believe that with proper planning and design, they can actually enhance our connection to nature rather than detract from it.