Creating a Budget
Various budget approaches play an important role in resource allocation in human service organizations. You are the executive director for a local government workforce agency that focuses on providing career- and work-related skills. The Department of Education has awarded your agency with grant funding of $1.6 million to provide training programs to high school dropouts. The funded programs are a basic work skills training program and a vocational program. You are preparing a budget matrix to present to the awarding agency. The matrix budget consists of line-item, functional, and program budgets.
Operating Expenses:Per Year
Office supplies
Transportation and travel
Outside consultants
Overhead costs
Personnel expenses:Annual SalaryNumber of FTEs
Executive director
Training supervisor
Administrative coordinator
Administrative staff
Employee-related benefit expenses @ 25%
All costs excluding the salary of the executive director and training supervisor will be allocated according to this formula:
60% to basic skills program
40% to vocational program
Number of eligible students: 1,000
Use the information above to create each of the following:
1.A line-item budget table showing all associated costs implementing the training programs.
2.A combined functional and program budget to calculate all costs per enrolled student.