Create your own food web. Select an ecosystem for example a forest.
After you chose your ecosystem fill out this page.
* how much energy do they get from the sun*
1 ( energy)
2 ( energy)
3 ( energy)
4 ( energy)
primary consumers
* how much energy do they get from the sun*
*Are they herbivores, omnivores or carnivores*
1 ( energy and classification)
2 ( energy and classification)
3 ( energy and classification)
4 ( energy and classification)
secondary consumers
* how much energy do they get from the sun*
*Are they herbivores, omnivores or carnivores*
1 ( energy and classification)
2 ( energy and classification)
3 ( energy and classification)
4 ( energy and classification)
Tertiary consumers
* how much energy do they get from the sun*
*Are they herbivores, omnivores or carnivores*
1 ( energy and classification)
2 ( energy and classification)
3 ( energy and classification)
4 ( energy and classification)