To create your first app on Android Studio, you can follow these steps:
1. Install Android Studio: Download and install the latest version of Android Studio from the official website. Follow the installation instructions provided.
2. Launch Android Studio: Open Android Studio after successful installation.
3. Create a new project: Click on "Start a new Android Studio project" or select "File" > "New" > "New Project." This will open the "Create New Project" wizard.
4. Configure project settings: In the "Create New Project" wizard, provide the necessary details such as the "Application Name," "Company Domain," and "Project Location." You can also select the "Create Project in" option to choose a specific directory.
5. Choose a device: Select the minimum SDK (Software Development Kit) for your app. You can choose the default "API 26: Android 8.0 (Oreo)" or select any other desired SDK version.
6. Select a template: Choose a template for your app, such as "Empty Activity," "Basic Activity," or "Fullscreen Activity." Click "Next" to proceed.
7. Configure activity: Provide a name for your activity and layout file. You can also customize the options as per your requirements. Click "Finish" to create the project.
8. Build and run your app: Android Studio will load the project, and you will see the project structure on the left side. You can find your activity files in the "java" folder and the layout files in the "res" folder. To build and run your app, click on the green "Play" button in the toolbar or select "Run" > "Run app."
9. Emulator or device selection: If you have configured an Android Virtual Device (AVD), you can select it for testing or choose a connected physical device.
10. Let the build process complete: Android Studio will compile your app and launch it on the selected device or emulator.
Congratulations! You have successfully created your first app on Android Studio. You can now start modifying the layout, adding functionalities, and exploring the various tools provided by Android Studio for app development.
Create your first app on Android studio code
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