Level 2 Paragraph:
In the verdant landscape of the Amazon rainforest, a multitude of species thrive, each exhibiting unique adaptations that help them survive in this rich ecosystem. Among the towering trees and dense foliage, the biodiversity—or variety of life—offers a glimpse into the intricate relationship between organisms and their habitat. This interdependence means that each creature, from the tiniest insect to the largest mammal, relies on one another for sustenance and shelter. However, recent deforestation has jeopardized the delicate balance, threatening countless species with extinction and altering the overall health of the environment. The ecosystem is a dynamic and interconnected web where disruption in one area can have profound effects elsewhere.
Margin Notes:
- Context Clue for "multitude": "a multitude of species" (example clue)
- Type: Example clue
- Context Clue for "biodiversity": "or variety of life" (definition clue)
- Type: Definition clue
- Highlight: interdependence
- Affix/Root: "inter-" (means between) + "depend" (rely)
- Highlight: deforestation
- Affix/Root: "de-" (removal or reversal) + "forest" (woods)
- Highlight: ecosystem
- Affix/Root: "eco-" (relating to the environment) + "system" (a set of connected things)