We will be happy to critique your mnenomics.
As a side issue, the research linking mnenomics to memory is very mixed. Research in cognitive functioning centers on, or variations of, learning by repetition spaced over time as a central issue: That is, we learn by repetition spaced over time, whether mnenomics or used or some other technique, such as flash cards, writing defining sentences, use orally, or whatever. Personally, as a teacher, flash cards seem to be the most effective. They are fast, cheap, efficient, and have a proven record as a system of learning. Of course, flash cards have to be repeated, spaced over time. I am not a fan of creating mnenomics as an efficient method of learning, it seems to me to be more centered on side issues involved in learning. Good luck.
Create mnenomics for the terms: stores, encoding, processes, retrival, iconic memory, echoic memory, primacy effect, recency effect, semantic memory, and episodic memory.
4 answers
Can a mnenomic be a saying? The mnenomic is supposed to help us remember the definition of the word right? I'm just having trouble creating mnenomics. Is there a website or something that can explain mnenomics and give examples so I have a clearer understanding when I create mine?
A quick Google search for mnemonics produced these sites.
The mnemonics you create need to be those with most meaning for you. The associated meaning of the terms might be helpful. For example, you see icons and hear echoes.
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.