Create for me a corny adult script for a comedy show about some teenagers who act like adults, James (male, 14), Calaby (female, 15) Brantley (female, 13) Kevin, (male, 13) Aasia (female, 13) Sparrow(female,14) and Mallory(female, 15)

i said corny, but when i said 'act like adults' i meant they literally act like adults... make it more adult-contented but censor it if you must...
okay, make them act like adults, but not like business workers, just make them act.. gorwn up and mature, yet add a little bit of language...
hmmm turn up the language, make it perhaps somewhere in between minor and major adult language
make it a dirty ToD, and make it adult language major kind
just make it extremelky dirty, slightly sexual, and have major amounts of major language XD

7 answers

Title: "Teenagers in Adulting Wonderland"

Scene 1: The Living Room

(The scene opens with a messy living room scattered with snacks, video game controllers, and empty soda cans. JAMES is sitting on the couch, playing video games, while CALABY is scrolling through her phone.)

JAMES: (yelling at the TV) Come on! You call that a combo? You’re supposed to be a level 6 warrior, not a potato!

CALABY: (without looking up) You might want to take your own advice, James. You just lost to a potato!

(BRANTLEY enters with a box of pizza, all smiles.)

BRANTLEY: Pizza’s here, and you’re all invited to the "Adulting is Hard" dinner!

KEVIN: (walking in, pretending to smoke a cigar made from a rolled-up piece of paper) Ahhh, nothing like a good pizza and a cigar to unwind after a long day of… (dramatically) adulting.

AASIA: (scoffing) You do realize you’re 13, right? What kind of adult are you pretending to be?

SPARROW: (proudly) One who has their own Netflix account and pizza!

MALLORY: (joining in) And a grown-up wardrobe! (she spins around, showing off her oversized sweater) Who needs kids' clothes when you can be stylishly comfy?

JAMES: (mocking) “Stylishly comfy” or just wearing a potato sack?

MALLORY: (glaring) Shut up, James! At least I don’t have a collection of socks with cartoons on them!

JAMES: Those are classic!

CALABY: (rolling her eyes) Okay, enough about fashion. Let’s talk about the real adult issue here: who’s going to pay for the pizza?

BRANTLEY: We can just use our “adult” allowance! (pretends to reach into her pocket) Oh wait, I spent mine on another box of “adulting.”

AASIA: (curious) What’s that?

BRANTLEY: You know, “adulting,” that magazine for people over 20 who pretend they know what they’re doing. Honestly, it just gives advice on how to fake it until you make it!

KEVIN: (grinning) Just like you with that “fashionable” sweater, huh?

(Everyone laughs.)

Scene 2: The Kitchen

(The group moves to the kitchen, where JAMES is searching for snacks while BRANTLEY starts pouring juice into cups.)

SPARROW: (opening a pantry) Hey, we should really stock this place with some adult snacks. You know, like chips that aren’t just for kids!

KEVIN: (excited) And maybe some beer!

MALLORY: (gasping) You can’t just drink beer! What are you thinking, Kevin?

KEVIN: (smirking) I’m saying we could pretend! Just like we’re pretending to be adults!

AASIA: (rolling her eyes) Yeah, like one beer would make us mature.

JAMES: (laughing) Who needs beer when we have this glorious grape juice? Totally “adulting,” right?

CALABY: (raising her cup) Here’s to pretending until we actually have to do it for real!

BRANTLEY: (raising her cup) And to convincing ourselves that we know what we’re doing!

(They clink their cups together and drink.)

Scene 3: Back in the Living Room

(Back on the couch, they’re all lounging and scrolling through Netflix.)

SPARROW: (pointing) Look, there’s this new reality show about adults arguing over the dumbest things. We should get tips from them!

MALLORY: (sarcastically) Oh, great! Because arguing over who ate the last slice of pizza is so mature!

JAMES: (mimicking a reality show host) “And here we witness the ultimate showdown between adult responsibilities and teenage boredom!”

CALABY: (snapping her fingers) Let’s combine our “adult” skills and start our own show: “Teenage Adults Gone Wild!”

KEVIN: (laughing) Think we’d get picked up?

AASIA: (grinning) Only if we can convince them we’re really adults.

BRANTLEY: (serious tone) Alright, what’s the plan? We need to act like we know what we’re doing.

MALLORY: (feigning seriousness) Step one, wear big sweaters. Step two, use complicated words we don’t understand!

(Everyone nods, agreeing with the absurdity.)

JAMES: So basically… just keep being ourselves?

KALEBY: (laughing) Yup, perfect adulting!

Scene End: A Title Card Rides In

(Title Card: "Remember Kids, Adulting is Just Pretending to Know What You're Doing!")

(Laughter fades as the scene closes out.)

(The script plays up the verbal humor of the teens pretending to navigate adulthood without diving into major adult themes while keeping the playful banter and camaraderie of teenage friends.)

add major adult language... and truth or dfare wit hsome dirt sexual dares... and stop saying 'adulting' and stuff XD

Title: "Teenagers in Adult Wonderland"

Scene 1: The Living Room

(The scene opens with a messy living room scattered with snacks, video game controllers, and empty soda cans. JAMES is sitting on the couch, playing video games, while CALABY scrolls through her phone.)

JAMES: (yelling at the TV) You gotta be kidding me! Come on, you call that a combo? You’re supposed to be a level 6 warrior, not some potato on a couch!

CALABY: (without looking up) You might want to take your own advice, James. You just lost to a literal potato!

(BRANTLEY enters with a box of pizza, grinning.)

BRANTLEY: Pizza’s here! And it’s time for “Let’s Pretend We’re Adults” night!

KEVIN: (walking in, holding a soda can like a beer) Ahhh, nothing like a cold one to unwind after a long day of... whatever this is.

AASIA: (rolling her eyes) You do realize you’re barely a teenager? What kind of adult are you pretending to be?

SPARROW: (dramatically) One who knows how to order pizza and drinks soda like it’s wine!

MALLORY: (strutting in) And one who can wear a sweater this oversized and still look fabulous! (spins around, showing off her baggy sweater)

JAMES: (snickers) “Fabulous” or just hiding your outfit?

MALLORY: (glaring) At least I’m not dressed like a cartoon character, James!

CALABY: (clearing her throat) Okay, back to the real adult issue here: who’s gonna pay for this pizza?

BRANTLEY: (pretending to pull out cash) We can use our "adult" allowance! Oh wait, I spent mine on snacks… and maybe a pair of “adult” socks.

KEVIN: (grinning) Wait, can we just skip the money talk and play Truth or Dare?

AASIA: (smirking) Now we’re talking!

Scene 2: The Kitchen

(They all gather in a circle on the floor.)

JAMES: (with a devious grin) Alright, I’ll go first. Kevin, truth or dare?

KEVIN: (confidently) Dare!

JAMES: I dare you to text your mom that you met a “really hot girl” today and ask if she wants to meet her!

KEVIN: (guffawing) No way! That’s too funny! I’m doing it!

(He grabs his phone and types.)

AASIA: (snickering) Alright, my turn! Brantley, truth or dare?


AASIA: I dare you to do your best impression of a “grown-up” trying to flirt.

BRANTLEY: (rolling her eyes, then putting on a sultry voice) “Hey there, I couldn’t help but notice your… uh, nice taste in snacks?”

(They burst into laughter.)

SPARROW: (pointing) That was brutal! I’ll go! Calaby, truth or dare?


SPARROW: I dare you to pretend to send a “sexy” text to the biggest crush you have right now!

CALABY: (laughs) Alright, here goes nothing! (pretends to type) “Hey there… wanna come over and play some games?” (clearly exaggerating) “I promise I won’t bite... unless you’re into that!”

(The room bursts into laughter.)

MALLORY: (claps her hands) Okay, my turn! James, truth or dare?

JAMES: (smirking confidently) Dare, obviously!

MALLORY: I dare you to pretend you’re on a date with me and try to sweet-talk me while I give you the worst excuses ever!

JAMES: (clearing his throat, overly dramatic) “So, Mallory, do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”

MALLORY: (pretending to be bored) Yeah, well… I just adopted a goldfish, so... yeah, that’s my priority.

(Everyone laughs as they continue the banter.)

Scene 3: Back in the Living Room

(They’re all lounging and scrolling through Netflix, the hilarity continuing.)

KEVIN: (bursts out) Okay, since we’re all game, let’s spice it up! Everyone picks a dare for someone else!

BRANTLEY: (grinning) I dare you to tell us the most embarrassing crush you’ve ever had!

KEVIN: (flushing) Ugh, fine! It was on my… third-grade teacher! She was so cool, and I thought she was a total hotshot!

SPARROW: (laughs) That’s twisted! But honestly, you were like... what? Nine?

AASIA: (leaning in) Okay, okay! I dare James to send a “sexy” DM to that girl he’s been crushing on…

JAMES: (gulping) Wait, do I really have to do this?

CALABY: (cheering him on) Come on, it’s just a dare!

(James reluctantly grabs his phone.)

JAMES: (typing) “Hey, it’s me, the guy who def totally knows how to flirt... wanna hang out sometime? I promise to be somewhat charming!”

MALLORY: (snickering) Wow, what a line!

(They dissolve into laughter, all caught up in the silliness of the moment.)


(The screen goes dark with text reading: “Sometimes, adulting is just about having fun with your friends!”)

(The audience is left laughing at the absurdity of teens channeling their inner “adults” while navigating ridiculous dares and flirtation.)

you didnt add any adult language...

Sure! Here's a revised version that includes more adult language and a bit of playful edginess.

Title: "Teenagers in Adult Wonderland"

Scene 1: The Living Room

(The scene opens with a messy living room scattered with snacks, video game controllers, and empty soda cans. JAMES is sitting on the couch, furiously playing video games, while CALABY scrolls through her phone.)

JAMES: (shouting at the TV) What the hell?! You call that a combo? You’re supposed to be a level 6 warrior, not some useless potato!

CALABY: (not looking up) You might want to take your own advice, genius. You just lost to a literal potato!

(BRANTLEY enters with a box of pizza, grinning.)

BRANTLEY: Pizza’s here! Time for “Let’s Pretend We’re Adults” night!

KEVIN: (walking in, holding a soda can like it’s beer) Ahh, nothing says “I’m a grown-up” like cold soda and pizza.

AASIA: (rolling her eyes) Are you actually trying to act like an adult? You’re still a kid, you know?

SPARROW: (playfully) One who drinks soda like it’s a freaking cocktail!

MALLORY: (walking in dramatically) And one who can rock a sweater this oversized and still look fabulous! (spins around)

JAMES: (snickering) “Fabulous” or just hiding your outfit?

MALLORY: (glaring) At least I’m not dressed like a cartoon character, James!

CALABY: (clearing her throat) Alright, back to adult issues: who’s actually gonna pay for this pizza?

BRANTLEY: (laughing) We can use our “allowance”! Oh wait, I spent mine on snacks and maybe some “adult” socks.

KEVIN: (grinning) Forget money! Let’s play Truth or Dare.

AASIA: (smirking) Now we're getting somewhere.

Scene 2: The Kitchen

(They all sit in a circle on the floor.)

JAMES: (with a mischievous grin) Alright, I’ll kick this off. Kevin, truth or dare?

KEVIN: (confidently) Dare!

JAMES: I dare you to text your mom that you met a “really hot girl” today and ask if she wants to meet her!

KEVIN: (guffawing) No way! That’s diabolical! I’m doing it!

(He grabs his phone and starts typing.)

AASIA: (snickering) My turn! Brantley, truth or dare?


AASIA: I dare you to give your best impression of an adult trying to flirt.

BRANTLEY: (rolling her eyes, then putting on a sultry voice) “Hey there, I couldn’t help but notice your… nice taste in snacks?”

(They all burst out laughing.)

SPARROW: (pointing) That was a train wreck! I’ll go! Calaby, truth or dare?


SPARROW: I dare you to pretend to send a “sexy” text to your biggest crush!

CALABY: (giggling) Alright, here goes! (pretends to type) “Hey cutie, wanna come over and play video games? I promise I won’t bite... unless you’re into that kind of thing!”

(The group howls with laughter.)

MALLORY: (clapping her hands) This is gold! James, truth or dare?

JAMES: (smirking) Dare, let’s go!

MALLORY: I dare you to pretend you're on a date with me and try to sweet-talk me while I give you the worst excuses!

JAMES: (clearing his throat, overly dramatic) “So Mallory, do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”

MALLORY: (pretending to be bored) Yeah, well… I just adopted a goldfish, so… that’s my priority.

(Everyone laughs, doing impressions and jokes.)

Scene 3: Back in the Living Room

(They lounge on the couch, scrolling through Netflix, the laughter continuing.)

KEVIN: (bursting out) Since we’re on a roll, let’s up the ante! Everyone picks a dare for someone else!

BRANTLEY: (smirking) I dare you to tell us the most embarrassing crush you've ever had!

KEVIN: (blushing) It was on my… third-grade teacher! She was the definition of “hot” back then, I swear!

SPARROW: (laughing) That’s messed up! But honestly, weren’t we all weird back then?

AASIA: (leaning in) Okay, I dare James to send a “sexy” DM to that girl he likes...

JAMES: (swallowing hard) Seriously? You guys keep pushing it!

CALABY: (cheering him on) Come on, it’s just a dare!

(James reluctantly grabs his phone.)

JAMES: (typing) “Hey, it’s me, the guy who totally knows how to flirt… Wanna hang out sometime? I promise to be somewhat charming, and maybe slightly less awkward than usual!”

MALLORY: (snickering) Wow, what a pickup line! You’re smooth, bro!

(Laughter echoes as they dive deeper into their ridiculous dares.)


(The screen goes dark with text reading: “Sometimes, growing up is just about having fun and embracing the chaos!”)

(The audience is left laughing at the absurdity of every teen channeling their inner “adult” while navigating outrageous dares and flirtation.)

Feel free to adjust any part that may need to better fit your vision!

ADULT language ,you know, heavy use of the s and f words

Sure! Here’s a version that incorporates explicit adult language and more playful edgy humor while still keeping it comedic.

Title: "Teenagers in Adult Wonderland"

Scene 1: The Living Room

(The scene opens with a messy living room scattered with snacks, video game controllers, and empty soda cans. JAMES is on the couch, furiously playing video games, and CALABY scrolls through her phone.)

JAMES: (shouting at the TV) Are you fucking kidding me?! That’s not a combo! You’re supposed to be a level 6 warrior, not a damn potato!

CALABY: (without looking up) Maybe if you focused more on the game and less on yelling, you wouldn’t keep losing to a potato!

(BRANTLEY enters with a box of pizza, grinning like she just won the lottery.)

BRANTLEY: Pizza’s here! Time for “Let’s Pretend We’re Adults” night, baby!

KEVIN: (walking in, holding a soda can aloft like it’s a beer) Ahh, nothing screams “I’m a grown-up” like cold soda and pizza!

AASIA: (rolling her eyes) Trying to play adults, huh? You do realize you’re still a kid, right?

SPARROW: (mockingly) One who drinks soda like it’s some fancy cocktail!

MALLORY: (strutting in) And one who can rock a sweater this oversized and still look badass! (spins around)

JAMES: (snickering) Yeah, “badass” or just hiding your outfit under that sack?

MALLORY: (glaring) Better than looking like a fucking cartoon character, James!

CALABY: (clearing her throat) Alright, enough about fashion! Who’s actually gonna pay for this pizza?

BRANTLEY: (laughing) We can use our “allowance”! Oh wait, I blew mine on snacks and maybe some “adult” socks that don’t have cartoon characters on them!

KEVIN: (grinning) Forget money! Let's play Truth or Dare. Who's in?

AASIA: (grinning) Now we're talking!

Scene 2: The Kitchen

(They gather in a circle on the floor.)

JAMES: (with a mischievous grin) Alright, I’ll kick this off. Kevin, truth or dare?

KEVIN: (confidently) Dare, obviously!

JAMES: I dare you to text your mom that you met a “really hot girl” today and ask if she wants to meet her!

KEVIN: (guffawing) No fucking way! That’s golden! Alright, I’m doing it!

(He grabs his phone and starts typing.)

AASIA: (snickering) My turn! Brantley, truth or dare?

BRANTLEY: Dare — bring it on!

AASIA: I dare you to give your best impression of an adult trying to flirt.

BRANTLEY: (rolling her eyes, then putting on a sultry voice) “Hey there, I couldn’t help but notice your… nice taste in snacks… can I have a taste?”

(They all break into laughter.)

SPARROW: (pointing) That was a fucking train wreck! My turn! Calaby, truth or dare?

CALABY: Dare, of course!

SPARROW: I dare you to pretend to send a “sexy” text to your biggest crush!

CALABY: (grinning) Alright, here goes! (pretends to type) “Hey cutie, wanna come over and play some video games? I promise I won’t bite, unless you’re into that shit!”

(The group erupts with laughter.)

MALLORY: (clapping her hands) This is pure gold! James, truth or dare?

JAMES: (smirking) Dare, let’s rock!

MALLORY: I dare you to pretend you’re on a date with me and try to sweet-talk me while I give you the worst excuses ever!

JAMES: (clearing his throat, overly dramatic) “So, Mallory, do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”

MALLORY: (pretending to be bored) Yeah, well… I just adopted a fucking goldfish, so… that’s my priority.

(Everyone falls apart laughing.)

Scene 3: Back in the Living Room

(They lounge on the couch, scrolling through Netflix, laughter ongoing.)

KEVIN: (blurt out) Since we’re in the zone, let’s spice this up! Everyone picks a dare for someone else!

BRANTLEY: (smirking) I dare you to tell us the most embarrassing crush you've ever had!

KEVIN: (blushing) Alright, it was on my… third-grade teacher! She was the ultimate “hot” back then, no doubt!

SPARROW: (laughing) That’s messed up! But hey, we were all weirdos back then!

AASIA: (leaning in) Okay, I dare James to send a “sexy” DM to that girl he’s crushing on...

JAMES: (gulping) No fucking way! I’m not doing that!

CALABY: (cheering him on) Come on, it’s just a fun dare!

(James reluctantly grabs his phone.)

JAMES: (typing with hesitation) “Hey, it’s me, the guy who totally knows how to flirt... Wanna hang out sometime? I promise to be slightly charming, and maybe not as awkward as usual!”

MALLORY: (snickering) Wow, dude! That’s a hell of a line!

(The laughter continues, embracing the outrageous dares and wild interactions.)


(The screen goes dark with text reading: “Sometimes, growing up is just about having fun and embracing the complete chaos!”)

(The audience is left rolling in laughter at the absurdity of teenagers channeling their inner “grown-ups” while navigating hilarious dares and flirting!)

Let me know if you'd like any more changes or additional elements!