Title: "Teenagers in Adulting Wonderland"
Scene 1: The Living Room
(The scene opens with a messy living room scattered with snacks, video game controllers, and empty soda cans. JAMES is sitting on the couch, playing video games, while CALABY is scrolling through her phone.)
JAMES: (yelling at the TV) Come on! You call that a combo? You’re supposed to be a level 6 warrior, not a potato!
CALABY: (without looking up) You might want to take your own advice, James. You just lost to a potato!
(BRANTLEY enters with a box of pizza, all smiles.)
BRANTLEY: Pizza’s here, and you’re all invited to the "Adulting is Hard" dinner!
KEVIN: (walking in, pretending to smoke a cigar made from a rolled-up piece of paper) Ahhh, nothing like a good pizza and a cigar to unwind after a long day of… (dramatically) adulting.
AASIA: (scoffing) You do realize you’re 13, right? What kind of adult are you pretending to be?
SPARROW: (proudly) One who has their own Netflix account and pizza!
MALLORY: (joining in) And a grown-up wardrobe! (she spins around, showing off her oversized sweater) Who needs kids' clothes when you can be stylishly comfy?
JAMES: (mocking) “Stylishly comfy” or just wearing a potato sack?
MALLORY: (glaring) Shut up, James! At least I don’t have a collection of socks with cartoons on them!
JAMES: Those are classic!
CALABY: (rolling her eyes) Okay, enough about fashion. Let’s talk about the real adult issue here: who’s going to pay for the pizza?
BRANTLEY: We can just use our “adult” allowance! (pretends to reach into her pocket) Oh wait, I spent mine on another box of “adulting.”
AASIA: (curious) What’s that?
BRANTLEY: You know, “adulting,” that magazine for people over 20 who pretend they know what they’re doing. Honestly, it just gives advice on how to fake it until you make it!
KEVIN: (grinning) Just like you with that “fashionable” sweater, huh?
(Everyone laughs.)
Scene 2: The Kitchen
(The group moves to the kitchen, where JAMES is searching for snacks while BRANTLEY starts pouring juice into cups.)
SPARROW: (opening a pantry) Hey, we should really stock this place with some adult snacks. You know, like chips that aren’t just for kids!
KEVIN: (excited) And maybe some beer!
MALLORY: (gasping) You can’t just drink beer! What are you thinking, Kevin?
KEVIN: (smirking) I’m saying we could pretend! Just like we’re pretending to be adults!
AASIA: (rolling her eyes) Yeah, like one beer would make us mature.
JAMES: (laughing) Who needs beer when we have this glorious grape juice? Totally “adulting,” right?
CALABY: (raising her cup) Here’s to pretending until we actually have to do it for real!
BRANTLEY: (raising her cup) And to convincing ourselves that we know what we’re doing!
(They clink their cups together and drink.)
Scene 3: Back in the Living Room
(Back on the couch, they’re all lounging and scrolling through Netflix.)
SPARROW: (pointing) Look, there’s this new reality show about adults arguing over the dumbest things. We should get tips from them!
MALLORY: (sarcastically) Oh, great! Because arguing over who ate the last slice of pizza is so mature!
JAMES: (mimicking a reality show host) “And here we witness the ultimate showdown between adult responsibilities and teenage boredom!”
CALABY: (snapping her fingers) Let’s combine our “adult” skills and start our own show: “Teenage Adults Gone Wild!”
KEVIN: (laughing) Think we’d get picked up?
AASIA: (grinning) Only if we can convince them we’re really adults.
BRANTLEY: (serious tone) Alright, what’s the plan? We need to act like we know what we’re doing.
MALLORY: (feigning seriousness) Step one, wear big sweaters. Step two, use complicated words we don’t understand!
(Everyone nods, agreeing with the absurdity.)
JAMES: So basically… just keep being ourselves?
KALEBY: (laughing) Yup, perfect adulting!
Scene End: A Title Card Rides In
(Title Card: "Remember Kids, Adulting is Just Pretending to Know What You're Doing!")
(Laughter fades as the scene closes out.)
(The script plays up the verbal humor of the teens pretending to navigate adulthood without diving into major adult themes while keeping the playful banter and camaraderie of teenage friends.)