Create: Create an outline with a thesis and supporting evidence for your point of view: The United States should or should not have helped Germany recover from World War II.
Outline: What’s Next for Germany
Argumentative essay: United States should have helped Germany recover from World War II?
I. Introduction
Thesis (Answer the question in a complete sentence: Should the United States
have helped Germany recover from World War II?)
A. Summary of First Reason (Simply list your reasons in a few sentences.)
B. Summary of Second Reason
C. Summary of Third Reason
II. First Reason
A. Support
B. Support
III. Second Reason
A. Support
1. Details
2. Details
B. Support
1. Details
2. Details
IV. Third Reason
A. Support
B. Support
1. Details
2. Details
V. Conclusion (Restate your belief.)
A. Summary of Reasons
B. Possible Future Impact
2 answers