Create and describe your own Utopia, including its geography, laws, and customs.

How's this? I can't think of any laws I could or could not have.

Middletownopia is a very peaceful and beautiful place to spend ones life. It is located on the southern part of the island Sandi Road. People come from all over the world to visit. The laws are very fair and just because the local people are so nice and polite that no one ever gets into trouble. There are no gun laws. Every Monday there is a meeting to let everyone know what they did during the weekend, exchange cooking recipies and invite others to dinner. On Christmas, people draw straws to decide who gets to live in the towns' largest mansion for the week and they get together to celebrate the holiday

3 answers

What do you mean "There are no gun laws"?

Do you need a law saying that all guns are prohibited? Will hunters be allowed to have guns?

What about traffic laws? Speed limits, stop signs?

What about stealing? Do you want to have laws against theft?

How can you make sure that "the local people are so nice and polite that no one ever gets into trouble"?
I don't really know how to answer your last question. It's just how the people are they don't really need regulation they're just good people by nature
How do you make sure that everyone in your Utopia is a good person? Are you only going to let people into Middletownopia that someone determines are "good?" Who decides whether they are "good?"

Doesn't anyone get angry? Doesn't anyone covet his neighbor's goods?

Does everyone always drive safely and slowly?

Does everyone pay his/her taxes?

How is your Utopia going to handle any conflicts between its citizens?