Create and describe your own Utopia, Including its geography, laws and customs?i have two but i don't know if youre allowed to do that one is here, anywhere, different laws based around the fact that people should be set on a path of self-actualization and that everyone within the society is responsible for this and its completion. The customs would be up to the individual family units, but some things would have to change. One is the ideal that everyone should be out for there own good, no more, it well be for the good of the family without the abuse or neglect of the society responsible. On top of that everyone well reach out to other members of the society for experience, perception, and relations. The society would be based on a gobal purpose as oppose to a person, indivdiual purpose, because quite frankly they are one and the same. If a society doesn't base its customs around these pricpals, well you see what happens. Capitalism will still be the economy but well be separate from politics, by the fact that being in the political system well be seen as a sacifice not as a honor, they well not be paid for there sacirice only respected. and my other is the "Imperium of Man" from Warhammer 40,000. I know the classical utopian ideal is a place of peace, love, and whatnot. However, I am coming from a standpoint of how to best preserve the human race, taking into mind all of the realistic factors, like the evil nature of man, that would never allow an ideal utopia to exist.

It is an extreme socialist state, with technocratic overtones. The people are born genetically prone to do whatever labor they must, and all are cogs in a machine to create new and better technology and genetic engineering, and to basically imperialize the universe. i don't know maybe i can mix these to and that how its my own

1 answer

I've seen this assignment before, and I believe you're supposed to plan and write in detail about a specific society, describing where it is, what its laws are, how people are chosen to live there, etc.

You are writing in generalities, and you need to be much more specific. Think of it this way: If you could start a new society on an uninhabited island somewhere, who would be there and how would everything be organized?