Here is information from SraJMcGin about HOW TO WRITE AN OUTLINE and HOW TO WRITE A PAPER; both sections have excellent resources. Once you've used them, please repost with your outline before starting to write the paper itself. Make sure the outline has a good thesis statement at the beginning.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. First of all, here are some sites on how to write an outline:
3. (my personal favorite):
4. (PDF file to download):
Some sites on how to write an A+ Research Paper:
2. (again from Owl):
3. (a sample research paper):
Create an outline on Should Special Needs Students Be Exempt from Graduation Tests? it is an Educational Debate Persuasive Paper
3 answers
i know how to write an outline but i do not know how to back it up with my main pts, i think all students should have to take the test but with special needs students should have it at there level. so i duont know how to back that up with the main pts
Last night, Ms. Sue gave you FOUR main categories of special needs students:
You can use each one of these as a major section of your outline and then provide information about each one: what students in these categories are like; how they can be tested, etc.
Is this paper for a college class? If so, you should have been taught all this during high school. Here are some really good websites to help if you need basic, paper-writing help.
Don't forget to follow the entire writing process:
And here are some sites to help you if you have grammar/usage questions:
The index can sometimes be more helpful in finding what you need.
Use the list on the left to navigate this site.
You can use each one of these as a major section of your outline and then provide information about each one: what students in these categories are like; how they can be tested, etc.
Is this paper for a college class? If so, you should have been taught all this during high school. Here are some really good websites to help if you need basic, paper-writing help.
Don't forget to follow the entire writing process:
And here are some sites to help you if you have grammar/usage questions:
The index can sometimes be more helpful in finding what you need.
Use the list on the left to navigate this site.