Create an Honors English 12 assignment surrounding the musical Hamilton

1 answer

Title: "Hamilton: Exploring Themes of Power, Legacy, and Identity"

Objective: Students will analyze the themes of power, legacy, and identity in the musical Hamilton and compare them to historical events and contemporary issues.

Assignment Overview:
1. Watch the musical Hamilton, either live or through a recorded performance.
2. Write a reflection paper discussing the following questions:
- How does the character of Alexander Hamilton embody the theme of power in the musical?
- How do the characters in Hamilton grapple with the concept of legacy and how does this impact their decisions?
- In what ways do the characters in Hamilton struggle with their own identities and finding their place in the world?
- How do these themes resonate with historical events and contemporary issues related to power, legacy, and identity?
3. Research a historical figure mentioned in the musical Hamilton (e.g. George Washington, Aaron Burr) and write a brief biography about them, focusing on how their actions align with or challenge the themes presented in the musical.
4. Create a visual presentation (e.g. PowerPoint, poster) that highlights key moments in the musical that showcase themes of power, legacy, and identity. Include analysis and connections to historical events and contemporary issues.
5. Participate in a group discussion where students can share their reflections and insights from their research and presentations.

- Reflection paper: 30%
- Historical figure biography: 20%
- Visual presentation: 30%
- Participation in group discussion: 20%

This assignment will allow students to deepen their understanding of complex themes in Hamilton while also making connections to the real world and historical context.