Create an Excel workbook with two separate sheets in it, each titled appropriately: one for the bookshop’s current inventory, and one for a list of items to restock.

The owner notes that he’s a bit new to digital inventories, but needs to keep track of information like:

Book titles
Acquisition costs
Sale costs
Quantity in stock
Date of publication

1 answer

To create an Excel workbook for a bookshop's inventory management, you can follow these steps. Below is a guide on how to structure the sheets, as I cannot create the file directly. You can easily replicate this in Excel:

Step 1: Create a New Excel Workbook

Open Excel and select "New Workbook".

Step 2: Create the First Sheet - Current Inventory

  1. Rename the first sheet: Double-click on the tab at the bottom (Sheet1) and rename it to "Current Inventory".

  2. Set up columns: In the first row, starting from cell A1, enter the following column headers:

    • A1: Book Title
    • B1: Acquisition Cost
    • C1: Sale Cost
    • D1: Quantity in Stock
    • E1: Date of Publication
  3. Format the headers: Bold the text in row 1 and you may want to apply a background color for clarity.

  4. Adjust column widths: You can widen the columns to ensure all text is visible.

Example Data (Optional):

You might want to enter some example data below the headers to visualize your inventory. For instance:

| Book Title              | Acquisition Cost | Sale Cost | Quantity in Stock | Date of Publication |
| The Great Gatsby        | $10.00           | $15.00    | 5                 | 1925-04-10          |
| 1984                    | $8.00            | $12.00    | 10                | 1949-06-08          |
| To Kill a Mockingbird   | $12.00           | $18.00    | 7                 | 1960-07-11          |

Step 3: Create the Second Sheet - Restock List

  1. Add a new sheet: Click the "+" button next to the first sheet to add a new sheet.

  2. Rename the second sheet: Change the sheet name to "Restock List".

  3. Set up columns: In the first row, starting from cell A1, enter the following column headers:

    • A1: Book Title
    • B1: Acquisition Cost
    • C1: Sale Cost
    • D1: Quantity Needed
    • E1: Reason for Restock
  4. Format the headers: Similar to the first sheet, bold the text in row 1 and apply a background color.

  5. Adjust column widths: Ensure all text is visible.

Example Data (Optional):

You might add hypothetical items that need restocking:

| Book Title              | Acquisition Cost | Sale Cost | Quantity Needed | Reason for Restock        |
| The Great Gatsby        | $10.00           | $15.00    | 3               | Low stock                 |
| 1984                    | $8.00            | $12.00    | 5               | Popularity increase       |

Step 4: Save the Workbook

After you finalize the design and data on both sheets, don’t forget to save your workbook. Go to File > Save As, choose your desired location, and provide a name for the file (e.g., "Bookshop Inventory.xlsx").

Step 5: Use Features for Enhancements (Optional)

  • Data Validation: You can set data validation for the quantity fields to ensure they are numerical.
  • Formulas: Use formulas to calculate total value in stock (Acquisition Cost * Quantity in Stock).
  • Conditional Formatting: Highlight rows in the Restock List based on specific criteria (e.g., if Quantity Needed > X).

This structure will help the bookshop owner efficiently manage their inventory and track restocking needs.