CREATE AN ARGUMENT paragraph why
College athletes should (or should not) be paid.
1 answer
College athletes should be paid. First, college sports generate huge amounts of revenue for schools and sponsors, and athletes deserve a fair share of that income. Many college athletes face significant financial hardships and struggle to meet their basic needs due to the time commitment and demands of their sports. These athletes often cannot hold part-time jobs to support themselves, and as a result, they may even face food and housing insecurity. Paying college athletes would help alleviate some of these financial burdens and ensure they have a better collegiate experience. Moreover, athletes who participate in revenue-generating sports such as basketball or football are essentially generating profits for their schools and sponsors through their talent and hard work. It is only fair that they receive compensation for their contributions. Additionally, paying college athletes could help level the playing field, as it would deter some athletes from accepting improper benefits and turning to illegal activities. Overall, providing compensation to college athletes is a step towards fairness, recognition of their efforts, and improvement of their overall well-being.