Create an alphanumeric outline for your analysis essay based on this thesis point. In the scarlett leter nathanial hawthorne examine the theme of guilt through the main characters of hester prynne, revered dimmelsdale and roger chillingworth highlighting the different ways guilt manifests and its lasting impacts on their lives.


I. Main point/Topic sentence

A. Supporting point

1. Quote/evidence (optional)

a. More details (optional)

b. More details (optional)

2. Quote/evidence (optional)

B. Supporting point

1. Quote/evidence (optional)

2. Quote/evidence (optional)

II. Main point/Topic sentence

A. Supporting point

1. Quote/evidence (optional)

2. Quote/evidence (optional)

B. Supporting point

III. Main point/Topic sentence

A. Supporting point

B. Supporting point

1 answer

1. Quote/evidence (optional)

2. Quote/evidence (optional)

IV. Main point/Topic sentence

A. Supporting point

1. Quote/evidence (optional)

2. Quote/evidence (optional)

B. Supporting point

1. Quote/evidence (optional)

2. Quote/evidence (optional)