Create a program by taking the following steps:

Initialize a variable named num1 with the value 5.
Initialize a variable named num2 with the value 7.5.
Initialize a variable named word with the value "apple".
Initialize a variable named isOpen with the value True.
Display the type of data stored in num1 using a print() statement and the type() method.
Display the type of data stored in num2 using a print() statement and the type() method.
Display the type of data stored in word print() statement and the type() method.
Display the type of data stored in isOpen print() statement and the type() method.
The following example demonstrates the expected program output.

<class 'int'>
<class 'float'>
<class 'str'>
<class 'bool'>

5 answers

num1 = 5
num2 = 7.5
word = "apple"
isOpen = True

Create a program by taking the following steps:

Initialize a variable named num1 with the value 10.
Initialize a variable named num2 with the value 20.
Initialize a variable named num3 with the value 5.5.
Initialize a variable named num4 with the value of num1 plus num2.
Initialize a variable named num5 with the value of num1 multiplied by num3.
Initialize a variable named num6 with the value of num2 modulus num1.
Initialize a variable named num7 with the value of num1 minus num2.
Initialize a variable named num8 with the value of num2 divided by num3 (floating-point division).
Initialize a variable named num9 with the value of num2 divided by num3 (dropping the fractional result).
Display the value of num4 with print().
Display the value of num5 with print().
Display the value of num6 with print().
Display the value of num7 with print().
Display the value of num8 with print().
Display the value of num9 with print().
The following example demonstrates the expected program output.
num1 = 10
num2 = 20
num3 = 5.5
num4 = num1 + num2
num5 = num1 * num3
num6 = num2 % num1
num7 = num1 - num2
num8 = num2 / num3
num9 = num2 // num3

The program below contains a mathematical expression that relies on default operator precedence to produce an answer (54.5). We would like to get a different answer (30.0) by adding parentheses to change the order of evaluation. Complete the following steps

Add parentheses so the addition operation happens firs
Add parentheses so the subtraction operation happens next
The following example demonstrates the expected program output.

num1 = 10
num2 = 20
num3 = 5.5

result = (num1 + num2) * num3 - num1
