Create a political campaign ad (a poster, a flier,etc.) for two political parties: one party that supports traditional moral and politcal philosophies and another party that supports modern moral and political philosophies. For each campaign ad, provide a party name, a campaign slogan, and a written explanation of the party's platform concerning a moral controversy of your choice. You may use self-made or ready-made graphics on your campaign ad, if desired.

12 answers

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yes please.
I do not understand how to do it or what to do.
1. Decide on one morally controversial issue -- such as abortion, marriage, prayers led by students or teachers in public schools.

2. Make up names and campaign slogans for each of two political parties. One of these parties supports traditional moral and political philosophies. The other party supports modern moral and political philosophies.

3. Create a campaign ad for each party. This may be a poster or pamphlet.

4. Write an explanation about one of the controversial issues that you chose in number 1.

Ignore the last 3.
I choose abortion for the morally controversial issue. But I do not know what the difference between traditional moral and modern moral is. I also do not know what political philosophy is.
The traditional moral point of view is totally opposed to abortion. The more modern point of view believes that women should have control over their own bodies and that abortion is acceptable.

Check these sites for definitions of political philosophy.
In general, conservatives are more traditional while liberals hold more modern points of view. Liberals oppose public prayer in schools, the death penalty, and favor allowing s to marry.
The sites for political philsophy are:
Thank You! the information helped me alot.
You're welcome. I'm glad I was able to help you.
In this answer are you saying that traditional what party(name)
and liberals meaning moral is for abortion , prayer in the school, the death penalty and favoring marriage. So what does traditional believe in? Just guessing for prayer in schools,against abortion, and in favor of the death penalty, and against marriage. I get them mixed up also.