Create a new Visual Studio application using C# named Desks that computes the price of a desk and whose Main() method calls the following methods:
A method to accept the number of drawers in the desk as input from the keyboard. This method returns the number of drawers to the Main() method.
A method to accept as input and return the type of wood, m for mahogany, o for oak, p for pine.
A method that accepts the number of drawers and wood type, and calculates the cost of the desk based on the following:
Pine desks are $100.
Oak desks are $140.
All other woods are $180.
A $30 surcharge is added for each drawer. · This method returns the cost to the Main() method. ·
A method to display all the details and the final price. I have tried this and I can only get half of the code to work.
1 answer
Which half of your main method works and which half doesn't?