Create a new file in PythonAnywhere. Add AT LEAST 10 keys and corresponding values to two different dictionaries.

Add comments to your code to explain what each line or section of your code is doing.

1 answer

Sure! Below is an example of a Python script that creates two dictionaries, each with at least 10 key-value pairs. I've added comments throughout the code to explain each part.

# Create the first dictionary containing information about a book
book_info = {
    'title': 'To Kill a Mockingbird',    # Title of the book
    'author': 'Harper Lee',               # Author of the book
    'year_published': 1960,               # Year the book was published
    'genre': 'Fiction',                   # Genre of the book
    'pages': 281,                         # Number of pages in the book
    'language': 'English',                # Language the book is written in
    'isbn': '978-0-06-112008-4',          # ISBN number of the book
    'publisher': 'J.B. Lippincott & Co.', # Publisher of the book
    'rating': 4.27,                       # Average rating of the book
    'review_count': 500000                # Number of reviews for the book

# Create the second dictionary containing personal characteristics
person_info = {
    'name': 'John Doe',                   # Name of the person
    'age': 30,                            # Age of the person
    'gender': 'Male',                     # Gender of the person
    'occupation': 'Engineer',             # Occupation of the person
    'hobbies': ['Reading', 'Cycling', 'Hiking'],  # List of hobbies
    'city': 'New York',                   # City where the person lives
    'is_student': False,                  # Whether the person is a student
    'nationality': 'American',            # Nationality of the person
    'height_cm': 175,                     # Height of the person in centimeters
    'weight_kg': 70                       # Weight of the person in kilograms

# Print both dictionaries to verify their contents
print("Book Info:", book_info)          # Output the book_info dictionary
print("Person Info:", person_info)      # Output the person_info dictionary

Explanation of Code Sections:

  1. Creating the First Dictionary (book_info):

    • Each key corresponds to a specific attribute of a book, and the values provide relevant details for those attributes.
  2. Creating the Second Dictionary (person_info):

    • Similar to the first dictionary, this one holds various attributes related to a person.
  3. Printing the Dictionaries:

    • The last section of the code outputs the contents of both dictionaries to the console, so you can see what was stored.

How to Use This Code:

You can copy and paste this Python code into a new file in your PythonAnywhere environment. After saving the file, you can run it to see the output with the defined dictionaries.