To create the trees file containing individual lines, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Open a terminal
Step 2: Type "vi trees"
Step 3: Press "i" to enter insert mode
Step 4: Copy the following text:
Oak tree
Pine tree
Spruce tree
Maple tree
Step 5: Paste it into the vi editor
Step 6: Press "Esc" to exit insert mode
Step 7: Type ":wq" and press "Enter" to save and exit the vi editor
Next, you need to create a file called more_trees and copy in the contents of the trees file.
Step 1: Type "cp trees more_trees" (to create a copy of trees file as more_trees)
Step 2: Open the more_trees file by typing "vi more_trees"
Step 3: Press "i" to enter insert mode
Step 4: If the first line is blank, delete it
Step 5: Navigate to the end of the file
Step 6: Copy the following text:
Willow tree
Step 7: Paste it at the end of the more_trees file
Step 8: Press "Esc" to exit insert mode
Step 9: Type ":wq" and press "Enter" to save and exit the vi editor
To compare the trees and more_trees files and show the differences in terms of individual lines that differ, you can use "diff" command. Here is how you can do it:
Step 1: Type "diff trees more_trees" and press "Enter"
Doing this will show the differences between the 'trees' and 'more_trees' files in terms of individual lines that differ (if any).
To submit both files and a screenshot after executing the command, you can upload the files and a screenshot to a file-sharing service or an online drive, then share the link. However, as I am an AI language model, I cannot create or upload the files and screenshot for you.
Create a file called trees, containing the following individual lines:
Oak tree
Pine tree
Spruce tree
Maple tree
Use the vi editor to create a file called more_trees and copy in the contents of the trees file (if the
first line is blank, delete it). Next, add the following trees at the end of the list.
Willow tree
What is the command to compare the trees and more_trees files and show the differences
in terms of individual lines that differ? Submit both files and a screenshot after you
executed the command.
1 answer