Insect: (running towards the Men) I have a message from the Moon!
Men: What is it, Insect?
Insect: (clears his throat) The Moon says that just as she dies and still lives, so will you also die and continue to live.
Hare: (hops in) Hold on, let me deliver the message instead. I'm faster!
Insect: Are you sure? The Moon entrusted me with this important message.
Hare: Trust me, I will get it there quicker. (takes off)
Men: (waiting) What did the Moon say, Hare?
Hare: (panting) The Moon says that you will die and disappear completely.
Moon: (angrily) What have you done? That is not what I said!
Hare: (nervously) I...I'm sorry, I thought it sounded better that way.
Moon: (strikes the Hare on the nose with a piece of wood, leaving a permanent slit) Now you will remember to never distort my message again!
Hare: (whimpers in pain) I'm sorry, Moon. I won't do it again.
Insect: (looks at the Hare) It serves you right. The Moon's message was clear and you ruined it.
Hare: (regretfully) I should have listened and not interfered. I will remember this lesson for the future.
Create a dialogue for the story below
The story goes that the Moon once sent an Insect to deliver a message to Men, saying that just as she dies and still lives, so will they also die and continue to live. However, on his way, the Insect was stopped by a Hare who offered to take the message instead because he was a faster runner. The Hare then delivered a distorted version of the message to Men, saying that they would die and disappear completely. When the Hare returned to the Moon and recounted what he had said, she was furious that he had changed her message and struck him on the nose with a piece of wood. As a result, the Hare's nose was left permanently slit.
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