Title: "Serenade in G Major"
Composer: [Your Name]
Instrument: Piano
Key Signature: G Major (One sharp)
Chord functions and cadences:
- I - IV - V - I (G Major)
- V7 - I (D Major)
- IV - V - I (C Major)
Melody with accidental: Incorporating a raised fourth (F#) in the melody
Dynamic markings:
- Piano
- Forte
Expressive marking: Legato
[Notated composition with eight measures in compound meter, utilizing chord functions, cadences, dynamic markings, and expressive markings as indicated above.]
create a composition for me
Did you correctly name your composition and include your name as the composer?
Did you select the piano as your instrument?
Is your composition eight measures long and in compound meter?
Does your key signature have 1–4 sharps or flats?
Are your chord functions and cadences labeled?
Does your melody include at least one accidental?
Does your composition include at least two dynamic markings and one other expressive marking?
1 answer