Create a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation addressing the following points:

o Explain ways to debunk three of the five gender misconceptions listed above based on the results of the peer discussion and your own University Library research.

o Explain at least one point made by one of your peers in the discussion cluster.

o Cite at least one reference from the University Library in your presentation.
here are the five misconceptions.
1. Boys are more suited for and more interested in math and science than girls are.

2. Boys who participate in the arts and are more likely to be homosexual.

3. Girls are more interested in domestic arts than boys are.

4. Boys are more interested in auto shop and wood shop than girls are.

5. Boys are more competitive in sports and academics than girls are.

cn you help me with a better understanding plz ty

2 answers

i need a better understandong what to do on the Explain ways to debunk three of the five gender misconceptions.
i am not sure what they mean
Debunk means to show that it is, indeed, a myth.