Here are the answers to the questions based on the understanding of advertising effectiveness measurements:
Question 1
- Correct Answer: The treatment group may see your ad, the control group won’t see your ad.
Question 2
- Correct Answer: The advertising effectiveness test should use a treatment and a control group and you should make sure the people in the treatment group actually saw the ad.
Question 3
- Correct Answer: Randomization helps to control for external effects, or variables that are harder to control. By randomly assigning people you try to vary the influence of external factors evenly across groups.
Question 4
- Correct Answer: ITT means that people who are assigned to a treatment group will stay in that treatment group, even if they did not receive the treatment for some unforeseen reason.
Make sure to double-check for any specific context or terminologies that might be relevant in your course materials! Good luck with your quiz!