Could you please find answers to these questions?
1 what bothers the narrator about the old man?
2 how does the narrator kill his victim?
3 where does the narrator hide the corpse?
4 as the narrator talks to the police, what does he think he hears?
5 the narrator insists from the very beginning of the story that he is not insane. what charasteristics does he say prove his sanity? what characteristics suggest his madness instead?
6 how does the style of the narration suggest nervousness?
7 the narrator is talking to someone. who might 'you' be?
8 'if still you think me mad, you will think so no longer when i describe the wise precautions i took for the concealment of the body' what is ironic about the narrator's insistence here that you will no longer think him mad?
9 find one clear example of a simile in the story and write down the complete line. how is this an example of simile?
10 the narrator often goes to great lengths to describe the time and place of his crime. how does his description of time and place contribute to the overall mood of the story?
4 answers
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