Could you please check this paragraph I varied on the tragedy of revenge? Thank you.

1) Shakespeare’s Hamlet shows all the features of the revenge tragedies, whose rules were set by Seneca. In all revenge tragedies a sexual or violent crime is committed against a family member of the hero, which for various reasons cannot be punished; so even though the hero seeks revenge for this crime, he usually goes through a period of doubt which will involve complex planning.
2) Another feature of the revenge tragedy is the apparition of a ghost to get the avenger to carry out his task. The avenger also has a very close relationship with his audience through the soliloquies and asides.
3) The hero becomes more and more isolated as the play develops, an isolation which may turn to madness. There is bloody action and many deaths occur throughout the play.

1 answer

Make sure the word Hamlet in the first line is in italics (since you're referring to the play, not the character).

Add commas.

Delete "which" and insert "who"

"apparition" and "ghost" are redundant terms -- choose one!

Everything else is fine.