Could you please check these sentences, too?

Thank you very much.

1) The Waste Land is a complex long poem of 433 lines about a “waste land” which seems both personal and external. It is divided into five sections and is dedicated to Eliot’s friend and poet, Ezra Pound, as it was Pound who revised and edited the poem.
2) The first four sections correspond to (are named after is possible?) the Greek classical elements of earth, air, fire and water. The final fifth section is usually interpreted as referring (to refer to is a mistake?) to ether, the fifth element.
3) The Waste Land cannot be reconstructed into a coherent, logically ordered narrative since the images are juxtaposed, not logically ordered. The lack of a narrative sequence along with the continuous time-shifts make the The Waste Land a modernist poem.
4) Eliot chooses a fragmentary style because it is the only way to reproduce the broken, fragmentary knowledge of modern man.
5) The fragmentation of the poem is therefore a reflection of the fragmentation of contemporary culture, in which each individual must try to find a personal ordering or interpretation.

1 answer

"The Waste Land" is a long, complex poem of 433 lines about a wilderness which seems both personal and external. The poem is divided into five sections and is dedicated to Eliot’s friend and poet, Ezra Pound, as it was Pound who revised and edited the poem.

The first four sections are named for the Greek classical elements of earth, air, fire, and water. The fifth section is usually interpreted as referring to ether, the fifth element.

"The Waste Land" cannot be reconstructed into a coherent, logically ordered narrative since the images are juxtaposed, not logically ordered. The lack of a narrative sequence, along with the continuous time-shifts, make the "The Waste Land" a modernist poem.

Eliot chooses a fragmentary style because it is the only way to reproduce the broken, fragmentary knowledge of modern man. The fragmentation of the poem is, therefore, a reflection of the fragmentation of contemporary culture in which each individual must try to find a personal ordering or interpretation.