I suppose we are talking about 1984 here.
1)Winston lives in Victory Mansions, an apartment building for Outer Party members in what used to be London. He also rents a small apartment in the Proles area with Julia for the purpose of meeting her.
2)Big Brother is gazing down on the captions: “Big Brother is watching you”. By torturing him systematically O’Brien erodes Winston’s ability to think and teaches him to misuse the language, which in Newspeak is called Doublethink.
3) Wintson is captured and brought to cell room 101 in the Ministry of Love.
4) He sought the company of down-and-out people.
Could you please check these sentences, too?
1)Winston lives in Victory Mansions, an apartment (?) for Outer Party members in what used to be London. He also rents a small apartment in the Proles area with Julia for the purpose of meeting her.
2)Big Brother is gazing down over (on is possible?) the captions: “Big Brother is watching you”. With the torture O’Brien makes him doublethink. Correction: By torturing him systematically O’Brien erodes Winston’s ability to think and teaches him to misuse the language, which in Newspeak is called Doublethink. (O’Brien wants Winston to learn Doublethink).
3) He is captured and brought in cell room 101 in the Ministry of Love.
4) He sought the company of down-and-outs people.
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