Could you please check these sentences? Thank you.

1) If I'm not wrong (mistaken?), the deadline for a Comenius partnership is 2nd February.
2) When do you think of holding our first meeting to agree on a common theme (for our Comenius project?
3) The school principal is not there (at school) at the moment so we'll have to wait another week for the final approval of the project.
4) How was the Declaration spread among American people?
The Declaration was first printed by the Pennsylvania Evening Post on July 8.
5) What does the American flag symbolize?
The original thirteen colonies are remembered by the thirteen stripes on the flag.
6) The fifty states, which are part of the US, are represented by the fifty stars on the flag. The constellation of stars is emblematic of the American Federal Constitution, which reserves to the States their individual sovereignty except as to the rights delegated by them to the Federal Government.

1 answer

1. use "mistaken" -- and when you're talking about a deadline, it's better to phrase it with the complete date: 2 February 2012, for example.

2. When do you think we should hold our first meeting...

3. The principal is not at the school at the moment, so we'll have to ...

4 - 6 are OK.