Could you please check these sentences I tried to correct myself. Thank you.
1)Hamlet pretends to be mad so that he can carry out his plan. He arranges for a troupe of actors to re-enact the scene of his father’s murder to let the audience know that Claudius murdered the last king. This is called play-within-the-play because the story was already a play. It turns the actors into audience and this is why gets its name.
2)Correction: Hamlet pretends to be mad so that he can carry out his plan of revenge more carefully. He arranges for a troupe of actors to re-enact his father’s murder by having them perform The Murder of Gonzago, whose story is similar to the one told to him by the ghost. This play is called play-within-the-play because it turns the actors into audience.
3)The Queen is poisoned and Hamlet before his death tells his friend his story recommending that Fortinbras, the Prince of Norway, will become King. That’s what happened after the king gives military honour to Hamlet.
4)Correction: Before dying Hamlet asks Horatio to tell his story recommending that Fortinbras, King of Norway become (be elected) king. Fortinbras enters after he has given (or after giving) military honours to Hamlet.
1 answer
4)Correction: Before dying, Hamlet asks Horatio to tell his story; Hamlet also recommends that Fortinbras, King of Norway, be chosen king. Fortinbras enters after giving military honours to Hamlet.