The first "sentence" is such a garbled mess that it needs to be rewritten. Punctuation won't help.
". . . certain order in the school." << period
The last sentence needs to be rewritten.
Could you help with the punctuation on this paragraph please! Therefore,supporting the fact that you can dress a diverse group of students one way, but they would not all believe or view things the same way. If there is a standard in place, then it would maintain a certain order in the school, very much like the United States in general, a country filled with diverse individuals, but all following the same set of laws set forth by the government.
2 answers
Thank you Sue
Here it is again rewritten please help me. Therefore, supporting the fact, that you can dress a diverse group of students with uniforms, they would not see and believe the things the same way, as other students with uniforms. If there were a standard in place, then it would maintain a certain order in the school. Very much like the United States, in general, a country filled with diverse individuals, but all following the same set of laws set forth by the government.
Here it is again rewritten please help me. Therefore, supporting the fact, that you can dress a diverse group of students with uniforms, they would not see and believe the things the same way, as other students with uniforms. If there were a standard in place, then it would maintain a certain order in the school. Very much like the United States, in general, a country filled with diverse individuals, but all following the same set of laws set forth by the government.