Could you help me reword this please.
Furthermore his exaggerated stories may be true for him but their illegitimacy to how a man in a suit can do such an uncivil thing such as ramming a car into a bus that may contain children or anyone in that case without being held up for is just another way of presenting us with a false emotional appeal
4 answers
First of all, divide this into at least 3 sentences. Then re-post.
Furthermore his exaggerated stories about “vehicles ramming into each other” only depict emotional appeal making the stories sound more illegitimate since we all know the consequences of accidents.
Better. Put a comma after "appeal" though.
Thank you, I posted the whole essay up could you please read and rate it.
No need of proofreading or any sort of spellcheck unless necessary.
No need of proofreading or any sort of spellcheck unless necessary.