Could you help me get a definition for each of these words. for i can have a better understanding of them Thanx

gas collection
fractional distillation
limiting reagent

I have defined titration, gas collection, crystallization, fractional distillation and solvent in the first post previously. Limiting reagent is the only one not addressed.

Suppose we have the following reaction.
HCl + NaOH ==> NaCl + H2O

The equation tells us that 1 mol of HCl will react with 1 mol of NaOH to produce 1 mol of NaCl plus 1 mole of water. NOW, suppose someone gives us 2 mols HCl and 1 mol NaOH and asks how much NaCl is produced. If we look at the HCl we might say we could produce 2 mols of NaCl. Looking at the NaOH; however, 1 mol NaOH will produce only 1 mole of NaCl. In fact, we could have 50 mols of HCl and 1 mol NaOH and we WILL NEVER GET MORE THAN 1 MOL NaOH because NaOH, in this case, is the limiting reagent. Starting with 1 mol of NaOH will produce 1 mol of NaCl as long as there is enough HCl to do the job. And the amount of HCl is 1 mol, also. Thus, you can see that as long as the ratio of HCl to NaOH is 1:1 that we will produce 1:1 mols NaCl. But adding more HCl or more NaOH than in a 1:1 ratio makes one of them a limiting reagent.