Could you help me check these sentences, please? They refer to the same theme as yesterday's ones. (Can you say that?)
1) We met my son’s ski instructor at the baby ski lift (?) at two sharp.
2) Most ski slopes are very simple and therefore suitable (right) for families with small children. Only few tracks are labelled as "black", that is "difficult".
3) We stopped at a motorway café for lunch and then we headed for Milan. My husband and I took turns at the wheel.
4) After dinner we usually accompany our child to the kids’ club and then we talk with other hotel guests in the hall.
5) When we go back into our room, my son is so tired that he falls asleep as soon as his head touches the pillow (can you say that in English?).
6) We often have to put him his pajamas on when he is already asleep.
He is both lazy and naughty and often throws a tantrum.
7) At first, we try not to indulge his whims (to comply with his wishes/ to indulge him in everything) but then we often have to give in to them.
1 answer
1) We met my son’s ski instructor at the baby ski lift at two sharp.
These slopes are also often called "bunny slopes."
2) Many ski slopes are not very steep and therefore suitable for families with small children. Only a few ski trails are labelled as "black", that is "difficult".
3) We stopped at a motorway café for lunch, and then we headed for Milan. My husband and I took turns at the wheel.
4) After dinner, we usually accompany our child to the kids’ club, and then we talk with other hotel guests in the hall.
5) When we go back into our room, my son is so tired that he falls asleep as soon as his head touches the pillow (can you say that in English?). Yes, and another way of saying it is this: "... as soon as his head hits the pillow."
6) We often have to put his pajamas on him when he is already asleep.
He is both lazy and naughty and often throws a tantrum.
7) At first, we try not to give in to his whims, but later, we often have to.